sunnuntai 13. maaliskuuta 2011

Open links in current browser instead of the default browser in Windows

I use many different browsers for different purposes. I wanted that all the links from irc would open in the current browser, which was open, and not in to the default browser. It was quite annoing, when the default browser started for opened links even if I had already some browser open. There is programs for this for Mac and for Linux, but not for Windows.

So I made a really simple program which does it. I use PuTTY for ircing and you can define with what you can open hyperlinks with (Window-> Hyperlinks). I use this program to open the links and the program opens them in one of the browsers which are open. If it doesn't find a browser, it opens the link in the default browser.
This program works in Windows and can open links in Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. I couldn't get it to work with Opera. It's teseted in Windows 7 and Windows XP.
It's made with c#.

Program can be uploaded from Github. Choose there the downloads-button and there the exe-file.

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